

Say Something Bunny!, performance and installation, 2016-2020


Spring Phantom, online project, 2020-presnt


Portraits and Illustrations, ongoing


Music is Magic, performance and video, 2016


Just Relax, video, 2016


Personality Unlimited, video and installation, 2015


89 Steps, interactive documentary, 2014


Thinking As She Thinks, performance, 2014


Selfie Gifs, performance, 2014


Living Los Sures, interactive project, 2014


Mrs. Florence Hazel Davis Bland, interactive website, 2014


Defense Mechanism, performance, 2012


Hungry Kitty, video, 2011


Pleasure Dome, video, 2010


Inductive Thread, 2010


Cry School Yearbook, public project, 2010


Postcards from the Road, mail art project, ongoing


Do Good, videos and installation, 2009


Seven Inch Fall, installation, 2009


Period 4L, video, 2009


Motel, installation 2009


Self Made Parachute, sculpture, 2009


Women of the Future, video and installation, 2008


Lose Yourself, video, 2008


Dan Carter, video, 2006


From Alex To Alex, video, 2006


Sisters of Cha Cha, collage and silkscreen, 2005