Alison S. M. Kobayashi Artist Talks and Screenings

Seven Inch Fall, 2009 Commissioned by the Blackwood Gallery
Tuesday February 18 2014, 7pm
Alternative Cinema, Colgate University
Tuesday February 25 2014, 12:30 – 1:30 p. m.
Art and Art History Program
Sheridan College, Annie Smith Arts Centre Mezzanine
1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON
Alison S.M. Kobayashi is an identity contortionist. In her work, Kobayashi performs a variety ofcharacters that are both studiously and playfully rendered. These personas are inspired by Kobayashi’s extensive collection of lost, discarded and donated objects; ranging from answering  machine tapes purchased at a secondhand shop to a love letter left on a sidewalk. Through  repeated interaction with the objects (listening, transcribing, re-enactment, play) narratives and imagery begin to manifest and inspire performances, videos, installations and drawings. The  results are humorous, low-fi artifacts of an artist embodying the lives of others.
The presentation invites you into Kobayashi’s interdisciplinary practice; sharing videos, drawings, photography and the original found objects they reference. She will share tips on thrift and she will screen her instructional video: How to Break into a Motel.